Fixed menu


Increase pageviews and ad revenue by implementing a fixed menu.


There are many web analytics solutions that give you insights in how your website performs. This is great, until you need to do AB-tests where you need to test for more then “dit A convert better than B”. For these tests you will need access to raw data.

Our client wanted to experiment whether a certain group performed better on the metrics “pageviews” and “ad revenue”. However, they only had the free version of Google Analytics and could only access aggregate numbers.

With these aggregate numbers they were unable to calculate the standard deviation and therefore were not able to calculate significance.

By implementing Harvest, we could access the raw data and could calculate whether the experiment group performed significantly better.

Moreover, we were able to create a dashboard that would automatically populate all metrics for all AB-tests on demand.

The control group had the default menu.

The other variant had variations of a fixed menu.


Thanks to the possibility to analyze the data we were able to see that the variant with a fixed header generated 32,3% more pageviews and an increase of 44% in ad revenue.